Has Your Heat Pump’s Motor Been Struggling to Meet Demands?

The U.S. Department of Energy recommends the use of heat pumps as an energy-efficient method for heating and cooling your home in Stockbridge, GA. Has your heat pump motor has been working overtime to heat or cool your home? If so, calling a local company that offers dependable HVAC services is often the best way to resolve issues that could affect the performance of your system and your comfort.

Identifying Issues with Heat Pump Motors

In some cases, it may be simple to diagnose problems with a heat pump motor. Loud or screeching noises from the outdoor fan can often be indications that your heat pump motor requires repair. Some of the other warning signs of trouble with your heat pump include the following:

  • Clicking noises when the heat pump should turn on can indicate problems with the starter capacitor. This issue will require the assistance of a qualified HVAC technician to resolve.
  • Thermostat problems can put a real strain on your heat pump. Does your system turn on frequently or run continuously? If so, scheduling a maintenance visit from a local HVAC company is essential to resolve these problems.
  • If your heat pump simply does not deliver adequate heating or cooling, upgrading to a newer system will relieve the strain on your heat pump motor by ensuring that your system is the right size for your home.

Proper Maintenance Is Essential

One of the most important ways to avoid heating repairs is to practice regular maintenance for your heat pump motor and HVAC equipment. This can help keep your system running at peak efficiency and can prevent problems that could affect your indoor comfort and the overall cost of heating and cooling your home.

Jones Climate Control is proud to offer dependable HVAC services for homeowners and businesses in Stockbridge, Georgia, and the surrounding communities. We provide heating and cooling repairs you can trust. Give us a call today to discuss our heat pump services or to schedule maintenance for your current system. We look forward to the opportunity to serve your HVAC needs now and in the future.

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